If you’re looking for a reliable and responsible person to care for your pets and home while you’re away, then look no further!
Most likely, you’ve found this site via a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or acquaintance. I am a big fan of word-of-mouth advertising and sharing my services with those who I have some sort of connection with, even if it is a few degrees of separation.
If you would like to find out if I will be available for your upcoming trip, click HERE. You’ll find a handy calendar of my availability that I update every time I get a new job or am traveling. It also indicates my locations, in case it works out that I’ll be nearby and can stop in and check on your place and/or pets (if they are accustomed to that). During the busy travel times of year, I highly advise planning/reserving well in advance, as my schedule gets full quite quickly.
My pricing is sliding scale/pay what you can afford - you make the offer. So let’s discuss what works for both of us and keep those pets happy!
I hope to hear from you soon!
Click on the W for a handy Word doc form to use as a guide and/or to fill out and print/send to me, so that I have something to refer to during my stay at your place.

If you are interested in hiring me for home only or in-your-home pet sitting, please contact me using the form below.