A Transwarmer is a multi-purpose warm layer that can be worn in many different ways - as a cowl, as a shrug, as a hood, and as a shawl. It's a versatile way to get warmth where you need it most! I came up with this design, looking to make something for winter dance classes, that would cover my back without the restriction of sleeves from a sweater and that would stay on easier than a regular shawl. It turned out, it was the perfect layer for Bay Area gusty winter days and cold foggy nights, and even has provided comfort during my travels (rolled up, it can make a nice little pillow). I love the way the double rib stitch accordions in such a way to expand or contract, depending on where you need coverage. The more I use it, the more I find uses for it. Sometimes happy accidents happen with improvised knitting!
I am hoping to offer the pattern to this at some point, so you can enjoy this as a project and also use yarns that you love. Meanwhile, I will offer up prototypes for sale in the shop, as I work out the kinks of the pattern. (Yarn used in the photos on this page is from Freia Fine Handpaint Yarns.)
Transform your winter with a Transwarmer!
Visit the shop here!

Doubled up

Doubled up

Doubled up
Coming soon